Heart attack (Myocardial Infarction): The death of a portion of the heart muscle (myocardium), as a result of blockage of one or more coronary arteries.
Coronary artery bypass surgery: An actual “bypassing” procedure using a saphenous vein or internal graft with a mammary artery, to treat coronary heart disease.
Stroke: Any stroke that produces neurological impairment for more than 24 hours, as well as any paralysis or other objectively measurable neurological deficiencies that persists for a minimum of 30 days.
Deadly cancer: Only those cancers that are manifested by the presence of malignant tumors characterized by uncontrolled growth, spreading of malignant cells and the invasion of tissues.
Kidney failure: The final stage of chronic, irreversible failure of both kidneys, requiring regular, ongoing renal dialysis for a period of six months, or resulting in the need for a kidney transplant.
Vital Organ Transplant: Medically required surgery to transplant an organ donated by another human being onto the insured party. The following organs qualify: heart, lung(s), liver, bone marrow or pancreas.
Loss of sight or blindness: Total and nonreversible.
Paraplegia: Total, permanent loss of the use of two or more limbs as a result of an accident.
Multiple Sclerosis: A chronic, inflammatory, autoimmune neurological condition that affects the central nervous system.
In 2018, it is estimated that 1,735,000 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in the United States. | Seventy percent of heart attack victims survived for at least three years. | Thirty-three percent of families spend all their savings on a serious illness. |
On average, someone suffers a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) every 4 seconds in the United States | Seventy-five percent of those who suffer a CVA remain alive one year after the event. | Sixty-seven percent of all cancer-related costs are not direct medical expenses. |
Every 26 seconds an American suffers a coronary event. | Sixty-six point nine (66.9%) of cancer victims in 2008-2014 lived five more years. | Experimental medical treatments are not covered by health insurance plans. |
Source: National Cancer Institute (NIH) of the US Department of Health and Human Services. Cancer Stat Facts: Cancer of Any Site. https://www.cancer.gov/espanol/cancer/naturaleza/estadisticas and https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/all.html.
Learn more about ways you can protect yourself and your family when faced with a critical illness, by visiting the BENEFITS AND RIDERS section.