StateTrust Life and Annuities is a global company specializing in life insurance, retirement plans and education funds designed for individuals, families and companies.


StateTrust Life and Annuities Ltd.

The information presented on the StateTrust Life and Annuities Web site is not intended to provide legal, tax, insurance or investment advice, or to be universal. It is not a substitute for professional advice. The content on the site may not be applicable to you and/or your particular situation. Furthermore, this information may not be applicable in all countries.

As a visitor to theStateTrust Life and Annuities Web site, you alone are responsible for determining whether any product or service mentioned herein is suitable for your personal financial, life insurance, retirement, educational and estate planning purposes. You should consult an attorney, tax and/or financial professional for advice regarding your specific legal, financial or tax situation.StateTrust Life and Annuities is not responsible for any actions taken by you based on the information on this site.

StateTrust Life and Annuities strives to present the most updated and correct information available, but the content presented here is true only as of the date published, and may be superseded by changes in market conditions, and any applicable laws and government actions.

One ofStateTrust Life and Annuities primary goals is to protect your privacy. We consider it our privilege to serve your insurance needs, and we value the trust you have placed on our firm.

To conduct regular business, we collect non-public information to open your new policies, process your transactions, and help us provide a better level of service. We collect this information from sources, such as applications and forms provided by you, credit, labor and KYC reporting agencies. The information we collect is based on the service we may provide to you.

However, StateTrust Life and Annuities does not share or disclose any non-public personal information about any current or former customer; except as permitted by law. All information remains confidential.



StateTrust Life and Annuities will internally safeguard your non-public personal information by restricting access to only those employees who provide products or services to you or those who need access to your information to service your account. In addition, we will maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that meet jurisdictional security standards to guard your non-public personal information

You can help us maintain your privacy by taking such precautions as protecting your account and PIN numbers or passwords, and by not disclosing confidential information to unknown callers. We strive to keep our customers’ information accurate. If you believe that our records are incorrect or out of date, please notify us as soon as possible.

Privacy is a partnership. Because privacy matters, we pledge to work together with you to protect and control the security of your confidential information.

Opt-Out By opting out, you are instructing StateTrust Life not to share your personal information with our affiliates — or our unaffiliated business partners as part of a joint marketing arrangement — for marketing purposes. If your StateTrust Life policy or account is jointly owned with one or more other people, you can also opt out for one or all of them.

Even if you opt out, however, if you are a customer of StateTrust Life, we may continue to send you information about products or services offered by any of our affiliated or unaffiliated companies. Your agent may also continue to tell you about other products or services that may help you achieve your financial goals.

We will honor your opt out choice until you instruct us to change it. So if you already opted out, you don’t need to act again. You can opt out by sending us an email at

To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Government laws require all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account.

StateTrust Life and Annuities strictly follows anti-money laundering prevention laws and regulations. This means that:

  • When you wish to open an account with us, we will require that you provide us with information to adequately identify you, such as name, date of birth, and photo identifications.
  • We may also ask to see additional identification, such as a driver’s license, passport or other appropriate identifying documents.

We thank you for your assistance in this matter of greatest importance, as we all make every effort to combat global terrorism, the funding of it, and other illegal laundering schemes.